About me

I’m Dutch, born and raised in Twente (east of the Netherlands). Studied in The Hague, worked in Amsterdam, took off to Luxemburg to finally land in the South of France. Both feet well on the ground. After having worked over 20 years in international IT consultancy in Trust business and 6 years of chronic back/leg pain (see story further on), it was time to shift gears to ‘wellness’. All that contradiction when searching for a solution for the pain. I wanted a ‘CTRL+ALT+DEL for my body, a ‘reset’, like on a pc. So I did multiple courses with the best in their field. Determined to find better and quicker solutions for those with same pain problems as I had. And I did find them.

What did I learn from Adam Heller?

From my American coach and ‘serial helper’ Adam Heller I learned a.o. NLP Practitioner, NLP Master, TimeLine Technique and off course everything around Zero Pain Now. A huge certification program with not only above, but also business and dynamic results modules. All in less than a year. The intensive course program was exactly what I needed. The weekly status calls via Zoom were perfect. Adam has given my life a new direction. I’m eternally grateful for that.

And how did Tim van Orsouw play a role?

From Tim van Orsouw I not only learned a quick way of deactivating triggerpoints but also a holistic view on the mind-body concept. His Triggerpoint Reset method of having a person work on multiple assignments in time, increases consciousness on different levels of life which therefore makes transformation possible. Ideal base for a reset program. I did his Mentor class twice and went to 3 of his marketing events. Every time I learned more and got more ideas for my own reset programs.

Rock and Water program

In the basis it is an anti-bullying program for children, very popular in Dutch schools. But guess what, it is as interesting for adults too.
It’s about 80% physical activity and 20% reflecting on what you just felt in your body and how that links to your daily life and with the people you interact with. Improve your concentration, communication & your inner force.
Playing like kids again.
Wanna play with me? 😉

Other methods I learned

And there are other methods and techniques I learned in my life, like the program to set Boys in their force, Tuina massage, 3-year Qi Gong program, Access Bars Consciousness.
In December 2019 I got my level 4 for PBA – Psycho Bio Acupressure. A very powerful method to liberate emotional blockages.

The acquired knowledge all get a place in my reset programs. Learning is a lifelong process.

For 2021 I have speed reading on my ‘to-finish-list’ and doing a program from Joe Dispenza as well as Dr. Demartini.

Personal interests

I consider myself a pretty normal person.
By educating myself I now realize there’s so much I do NOT know (yet :)).
But my shutters have been opened and I’ve been triggered to learn more.
Read more here in which I will share some highlights with you.

Want a free strategy session with me?

Schedule a free consultation with me and ask any question you might have.
See if we match.
With everything I’ve learned so far, I will do my best to give you some kind of advice.