Time to Rethink Chronic pain
A video series with 12 rethinks on chronic pain. Each video is around 1 minute.
Intro – What if most chronic pain is not a medical issue?
Many chronic pain sufferers have tried multiple pain relief techniques, but it gives at best some temporary relief. It’s treating the symptoms and not the cause. If chronic pain is not a medical issue, a radical different solution is necessary. Every video of this Rethink-series shows a factor playing a role in chronic pain.
Rethink nr 1 : Seems like your pain is never-ending?
The human body is an amazing healing machine (a broken bone heals in +/- 6 weeks). What if most chronic pain is just not a medical issue? And that most spinal issues are a normal sign of aging? Then you would need a radical different solution.
Rethink nr 2: Is there a mind-body connection?
There absolutely is a mind-body connection! Two examples in the video. It is normal daily and human stuff!
The process of pain originates in the brain. And most chronic pain is caused by stress and tension (and linked to emotions). Then that’s where you need to find the solution.
Rethink nr 3:
Somehow the diagnoses always have somewhat of a scary name, as if you have something really bad. But what do scans really say? In most cases they rarely indicate the cause of chronic pain. What they DO show is that in most cases it is just a normal sign of aging.
Rethink nr 4:
Many chronic pain sufferers get relief by putting heat or ice on the place where it hurts. This only works temporary as after the heat or ice is gone, the pain comes back. So this treats the symptom and not the cause of pain.
Rethink nr 5:
Exercising, like running, walking, swimming, is often prescribed to many chronic pain sufferers in order to get relief from their chronic pain. In most cases this only works temporary as after the exercise is finished, the pain comes back. So this treats the symptom and not the cause of pain.
Rethink nr 6:
Rethink nr 7:
Rethink nr 8:
Rethink nr 9:
Rethink nr 10:
Rethink nr 11:
Rethink nr 12: