Hall of Success

Here are some people that decided to go through the Zero Pain Now process and are now out of their chronic back pain. All people like you and me. Without exception, everybody wished they had done this earlier.

Talks on how to get out of chronic back pain

Both Brajesh and Esther have suffered chronic pain for years and both healed their pain with the 28 day program of Zero Pain Now.
In the video (23-min) they share their pain story and some information on Zero Pain Now. As Zero Pain Now Master Practitioners they’re ready to help others.

(video of 23min)

These people got out of chronic back pain too

Brajesh – IT engineer, unable to do even simple household chores like vacuuming, taking milk out of the fridge, carrying groceries – because of excruciating lower back pain – and often needing days of bedrest and prescription meds. 9 years suffering back pain. 

Out of chronic back pain since 2017 and returned to full physical capacity.  He dances, swims and even gives piggyback rides. 

Potential payer savings $150,000

9yearsbackpain resolved
9 years back pain resolved

Mike – here’s another example of how Mike, a construction engineer, got out of chronic back pain. He had suffered ongoing pains for 9 years. He was so used to having pain every day that he actually believed he loved pain. Couldn’t exit a car with excruciating pain in the evenings. His search led him to Zero Pain Now. 

Pain free since November 2019 and has resumed full physical capacity.

Lisa – life coach, has suffered pain and other symptoms of fibromyalgia for over 25 years. Diagnosed with bone spurs, bulging disc in neck, dislocated elbow, unhealed broken wrist. She also experienced pain in her back, numbness in her hands and neck pain.

Out of chronic back pain since October 2019 with no physical limitations and no fear of lifting heavy objects and able to run symptom free.

25 years fibromyalgia resolved

Carla -An  educator and counselor who suffered 15 years of chronic pain in her back, neck, shoulders and knee. She experienced numbness in her arms and hand and also had back spasms with occasional headaches. Diagnosed with scoliosis, misaligned hips and one shorter leg, she also had Gastro-Intestinal and skin issues. Pain free since April 2020 after she went through the Zero Pain Now program and regained fearless full physical pain freedom. Some of her current favorites include yoga and hiking.

9years back pain resolved

Daryl, retired teacher, had a debilitating workplace accident at school that led to excruciating and constant back and neck pain. Suffered 9 years of symptoms. Was treated surgically and with pain drugs.  He was forced to retire.

Pain free since using Zero Pain Now in the summer of 2019. No residual symptoms and resumed full physical ability. Able to  work on his car, walking, garden and finally has many cherished moments playing with his grandchildren.

Esther – former IT consultant, suffered 6 years of chronic pain in her back, leg, knee, shoulder and under her foot. Received multiple diagnoses including degenerated disc, scoliosis, disc protrusion, cracked meniscus and one short leg. Pain was constant and often debilitating. 
Pain free since using Zero Pain Now since  October 2018. No residual symptoms or  fear of using her body. Returned to skiing, tennis, pilates, vigorously playing with her children ages 10, 13 and 14.

6 years chronic pain resolved

Sandra is a social media expert. She has suffered over 15 years of back and neck pain incorrectly blamed on whiplash. She was diagnosed with narrowed intervertebral discs and a dislocated shoulder.. 

The Zero Pain Now process reduced her pain greatly. She also feels more space in her back while Increasing her physical ability. She doubled her weekly Qigong/Tai Chi hours to 3 and can take on more work assignments. She now walks to 8 to 10,000 steps every day!

And even more people who got out of chronic back pain

15 years chronic pain resolved

Kathie – Kathie also got out of chronic back pain. She works as a cook in a college. Suffered back, knee arm and finger pain for 15 years. Also experienced heart-burn and reflux. Unable to bend. Diagnosed with knee arthritis, sciatica and carpal tunnel. 

Used Zero Pain Now and has been pain free since June 2020. Now she kayaks, jogs, dances and especially enjoys playing with her  grandchildren. She was once asked, “Are you high?” and she replied: “No, I’m pain free.” In the picture is a happy Kathie with the proof she can now kneel and hop up!

Paul, suffered 15 years from Ankylosis spondylitis

‘I was pretty sceptic before starting as I’ve had chronic pain for about 15 years. My doctors had always told me that my pain was caused by Ankylosis Spondylitis (inflammatory condition in the spine). 
Now I know that my spine was never the problem. I can move and exercise again without that excruciating pain I used to have before. I got my life back.’

ankylosis spondilytis resolved

Wim, blacksmith. Suffered over 10 years of pain in neck, shoulder (piano key bone problem), back, hip, elbow, wrist, knee, ankle. Also suffers tinnitus. Most pain started with injuries. 

Almost pain free now since March 2019;  has a little twinge every now and then with pain level 0-1. Can go running again, go to the gym, work pain free, generally sleeps better. Can do long drives in a car without back pain. Feels much better in general.

Free ebook How Stress triggers Back Pain

Download this free ebook that will help you unravel how stress, tension, life events and emotions play a role in having chronic back pain.

Spoiler alert: spinal issues are rarely cause of pain.

The workbook contains some exercises to fill out so that you can start making the connection between stress and pain and hence heal yourself.
