Resolve chronic back pain in 5 weeks

The incredible looks I get when I say that in 5 weeks you can be free of chronic back pain. Many people get sceptical when I tell them that they can not only become painfree, but also remain pain free. I can understand that this is their first reaction.
I’ll share some discoveries and experiences which help understand this is indeed possible.

Chronic back pain is a worldwide problem

Chronic pain like persistent back pain is a worldwide problem. In the USA it is estimated that 1 out of 2 adults suffers from chronic pain. In Europe it is slightly better; 1 in 4 have enduring pain. For years all kinds of body work techniques have been applied. Did this diminish the amount of people suffering? No, it didn’t. There is a lot of misinformation out there. Let’s review some.

Scans often show anomaly but rarely the cause of back pain

There is so much research available indicating that spinal anomalies are a normal sign of aging but are not the cause of back pain. Yet many doctors still diagnose a bulging disc or herniated disc as being the culprit of the pain. In 2015 a study was published in the American Journal of Radiology where over 3000 MRIs of asymptomatic people (no pain) had been analysed demonstrating that abnormalities of the spine are already present in people in their twenties and they increase substantially with age. If the body is not ‘broken’, no need to work on the spine and discs. If something else is causing the pain, it opens to the possibility of banishing chronic pain in 5 weeks.

In 5 weeks out of chronic back pain

All other methods working on the body have only given temporary back pain relief

Ask anybody who has been suffering from years of chronic pain, what they’ve already tried to get rid of their pain. Medication, physical therapy, massage, surgery, acupuncture, chiropractic or osteopathic adjustments, hypnosis and many other therapies. What is typical for all these approaches is that they only provide temporary relief. Which basically means that you’ve only been working on the symptom and not on the cause. Another post on 11 rethinks in chronic pain will explain this further by going here.
So, continuing to work on the body will not give different results, even after years. Nothing is ‘broken’ or ‘malfunctioning’ in the body. A new approach is necessary and it will become clearer that it is possible to get permanent pain relief.

What started your back pain?

Ask a person who is suffering from chronic back pain the question: ‘What started your pain?’ It will often be something like; ‘I made a wrong movement and heard a snap in my back’. Or something about an old injury that hasn’t healed correctly.

It made their back go into a spasm or a freeze. When you then ask that person ‘What was/is going on in your life?’ then you see it that that person has or had a lot of stress in their lives. Like trauma, stressful family situations, financial troubles. Just think of the expression ‘Get off my back’! This is the key to getting out of persistent pain.

Download the ebook and get more clues on how what started your pain is the cause.

Stress as the cause of back pain

Everybody knows that stress increases back pain. We all have busy lives and we face many challenges in this fast-paced world. Manage deadlines, take care of your children, see your family, exercise for a good health. When you’re a perfectionist, control freak, people pleaser, spiritual or religious, this increases even more the internal pressures. What few know is that stress is at the cause of pain.

resolve back pain in 5 weeks

Stress is being felt in your body in the form of emotions. Some emotions are uncomfortable to feel, so they get repressed by the brain. It’s a habit that has been created that you’re often unaware of. It’s not your fault.

That’s why pain coaching is a real way to banish chronic back pain

Pain coaching can be a real way of banishing your chronic back pain as has become clear above, no work is needed on the body. As stress is a major factor in somebody’s life and more specifically repressed emotions, that’s where the key to healing is. This is not ‘everyday’ stress. It’s a specific stress related to your personality; sometimes you repress certain emotions. You Especially anger and rage. It’s not your fault, you don’t do this on purpose. It’s a defense mechanism of the brain. That’s all. No big deal. Most chronic pain is just not a medical issue. Rather a Diversion Pain Syndrome causing the pain.

In a process of neuro-plasticity, your brain can reprogram certain mechanism over a 5 week period of daily mind work. You will create new habits and no more repressing of emotions. It becomes so much easier to digest daily stress. And the result is no more pain. 5 weeks to rid yourself of chronic back pain is easy and possible. Really. And it’s ok to be skeptical.

Next steps?


Read more in the interactive Ebook, fill out the exercises and see how this also applies to you and how you can get rid of and eliminate chronic back pain in 5 weeks.


Get in touch for a free consultation without obligation. Get personal feedback on your specific situation as well as some tips for the next possible steps.

resolve back pain in 5 weeks