You’re living near Montpellier, or somewhere in the Herault and you need help for your back pain.
The topic of back pain in France is similar to other countries in the world. Nobody seems to escape an episode of back pain in their life. So when it happens and it doesn’t pass… here’s some vital information and tip for an English speaking practitioner with a radical different approach: pain coaching.
Practical French terminology regarding back pain for English speakers
Here’s a practical list with some French vocabulary if you have back pain and need to visit a French doctor.
- back pain
- radiating pain in my leg
- lower back pain
- sciatica
- pain killers
- physical therapy
- scan
- rhumatologist
- anti-inflammatory drugs
- douleur de dos / maux de dos
- douleur radiante dans la jambe
- lumbago
- sciatique
- analgésiques
- kinésitherapie
- radio
- rheumatologue
- médicaments anti-inflammatoires
In most cases back pain resolves itself, but in some cases it does not, despite all specialist help. In that case back pain coaching can be an option.
Back pain coaching near Montpellier
If all you tried so far didn’t give you permanent back pain relief, try back pain coaching near Montpellier. How much more energy, time and money do you want to continue to waste on doctors visits and physical therapies that only got you temporary relief? It is now time for a radical different approach.
It reading the word ‘coaching’ makes you think ‘Are you telling me my pain is in my head?’, let me reassure that is not the case. The pain is real and can be excruciating!
It’s time to explore the mind-body connection
A key to healing is by exploring how the mind-body connection functions. Stress and tensions and repressed emotions lead to physical changes which ultimately lead to pain in the body. Most chronic pain is just not a medical issue. Rather a diversion pain syndrome causing the pain. This process is way more common than you might think.
Ask yourself the question: ‘What happened in your life when your pain started?’ Was there stress? It might be a stress you’re not aware of.
In my pain coaching process, which is a process of neuro-plasticity, your brain will live a new experience over a 5 week period. You will create new habits and deal with internal stress easier and no longer repressing emotions. The result is no more pain. In 5 weeks out of chronic back pain is easy and possible. Really.
What was causing back pain in France?
If you live near Montpellier and you need help with your back pain, it might be interesting to know what is causing back pain. In 2017 a study has been done with the French population to figure out what, according to them, was the main cause of the last time they had an episode of back pain.
The top 3:
- Bad posture / position
- Stress
- Obesity / overweight
It is very common for people to think that bad posture or the position in which you’re using your back is the cause of pain as that was often the moment when pain presented itself.
But is back pain really caused by a bad posture ?
In that same study, they found that 38% of the participants had suffered over 10 times an episode of back pain! So this seems to be a recurrent phenomenon.
Bad posture does NOT cause back pain
Do you also have the idea your back pain is due to bad posture? Well, it is a persistent myth that bad posture causes back pain. Although it might be painful to move the body, in most cases there’s nothing wrong with the back. There are often some other factors playing a role, like being afraid to hurt the back because of a certain position.
On the website of the IASP – International Associaton for the study of pain, it has a section on Back Pain Education, including 10 myths and what people really need to know about back pain.
Bad posture does NOT cause back pain
This is interesting as it has been given as the main reason for cause of back pain.
Educating the population is necessary! The back pain coaching program I propose can be done everywhere from France as it is an online program.
As second answer in the study, it was stated that stress caused back pain.
Stress as cause of back pain
It is sharply acknowledged that stress was at the cause of back pain in the French study mentioned above. It is common knowledge that everybody knows that stress increases back pain. But it is indeed also often the cause of pain.
The stress made their back go into a spasm or a freeze. When you then ask that person: ‘What was/is going on in your life?’…..then you get loads of examples where it becomes clear that that person is having a lot of stress in their life. Any of the following stressful life situations apply to you?
- Financial difficulties
- Marital/relationship worries
- Serious health problems of loved ones
- Huge stress at work with your boss
- Issues with your children
- Partner cheating on you
- Abuse / trauma
- Bad relationship with a parent
One in two adults suffers from chronic pain in the world. So maybe it’s time to view chronic pain differently and start to learn that most chronic pain is not a medical issue.
What if chronic pain is, in most cases, not a medical issue but rather related to stress and tensions?
Work on the stress, get rid of the pain. Yet many people first go through all kind of analysis and doctor visits to verify what is wrong in the body. Below some advice and my own experience.
Looking for a rhumatologist for your back pain near Montpellier ?
There are no native English speaking ‘rhumatologues’ near Montpellier that can help with back pain.
Here’s in short what a ‘rhumatologue’ can do for you:
Specialist in diseases of the bones, joints, muscles and tendons. He treats and prevents pain in the neck, back and all the joints of the skeleton. He is also interested in all diseases affecting the bones, such as osteoporosis.
The rhumatologist will do some tests with you and order a scan or MRI if necessary. He will give a diagnoses and from there, propose some solutions. Which might be e.g. ablation, injections, intervention or another therapy aimed at the body.
In my own personal journey of trying to resolve my 6 years of chronic pain, I’ve seen 3 rhumatologists. None of them was able to offer me a permanent solution. The first told me: ‘ah, it will pass madame’. Sorry? That was not the advice I was waiting for. And it didn’t pass by itself.
The second one told me: ‘Guénage madame and lose weight’
Sorry? I had some kilos too much, but not severely obese. After personal coaching at the gym I was very good at planking, but the back and leg pain was still there!
Here’s some helpful information with on your back pain diagnoses
If you have already have seen a rhumatologist in France, you probably already got some kind of diagnosis for your back pain.
- Herniated disc
- Bulding disc
- Sciatica
- Degenerated disc
- Torn Rotator Cuff
- Osteoarthritis
- Tendonitis
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Repetitive Strain Injury
- Spinal Stenosis
- Ankylosis Spondilytis
- Fibromyalgia
- Whiplash
- Other
If you got any of these back pain diagnosis, then you increase the probability to resolve your back pain fast. Sometimes you’ve had some scans and nothing ‘serious’ could be found and your doctors don’t understand your pain. This also is a good criteria to be able to resolve back pain fast.
There are thousands ways, if not more, where your diagnoses is described in detail in the doctors report.
The 3 most common spinal issues are:
– degenerative disc
– bulging disc
– herniated disc
The diagnosis always sounds somewhat scary and makes you wonder if it is really serious or not.
Scans rarely indicate cause of back pain
You got a scan or MRI and now the big question is, what does it really indicate regarding your back pain? Well, it often shows a spinal abnormality but it rarely indicates the cause of pain.
The reason why you can forget about your scan and diagnosis is because there is so much research out there showing that a bulging disc, degenerated disc cannot be the cause of pain.
There is so a lot of research available indicating that anomalies on the spine are more a sign of aging then showing the cause of back pain. Yet many doctors still use the diagnoses of a bulging disc or herniated disc as being the culprit of pain.
In 2015 a study has been published in the American Journal of Radiology where over 3000 MRIs of asymptomatic people (no pain) have been analysed indicating that abnormalities of the spine are already present for people in their twenties and which increases substantially with age.
Here you can find more evidence that scans rarely indicate cause of pain.
If the body is not ‘broken’, no need to work on the spine and discs. If something else is causing the pain, it opens the possibility to banish chronic pain differently.
All methods you tried near Montpellier only gave temporary back pain relief
You’ve done the tour in and around Montpellier trying to get back pain relief. You’ve been suffering for years and every method you try is only giving temporary relief from your back pain. There’s a reason nothing you’ve tried so far has worked. It couldn’t have.
Did it get you permanently out of pain?
No. How frustrating is it that the pain is coming back or is going to another spot in your body!
This means that you have been working on a symptom, but not taken away the cause of your chronic back pain.
You can continue to work on the body, but why would you expect it will be giving different results?
What have you tried already to get pain relief:
- medication
- physical therapy
- chiropractic / osteopathy
- acupuncture
- massage
- fitness, yoga, Pilates
- psychologist
- hypnosis
- tai chi, qi cong
- meditation
If all that didn’t give permanent relief, reserve a free strategy session and see what pain coaching can do for your.
Download this free ebook and discover how stress triggers back pain
Download this free ebook that will help you unravel how stress, tension play a role in having chronic pain.
The mind-body connection is one of the most important factors in creating chronic back pain.
‘Things’ that are happening in your mind have a physical reaction in your body. And these ‘things’ happen all the time!
It often is related to Diversion Pain Syndrome. It has to do with the stress that is going on in your life.
No worries:
the pain is not ‘in your head’….
…..the pain is real and can be excruciating!
The process for pain starts in the brain
Pain is a process that starts somewhere in the body. The process of the start of pain is not necessarily the spot where you feel the pain (this is probably new to you).
As mentioned above, the abnormality of your spine cannot be the cause of your pain as there’s enough research out there showing it cannot be.
You’ve tried to relieve your pain with numerous pain relief techniques and that didn’t get you out of pain either. A radical different approach is necessary.
To stop the pain, you need to interfere where the process for pain starts. By interfering where it starts, the end result of pain, is eradicated. It’s all has to do with the mind-body connection.
This a complete, new, and unique approach to pain relief techniques.
Is pain coaching only for back pain?
No, pain coaching is not only for back pain. It can be used for a whole range of pain in muscles, tendons or what is being felt as nerve pain. The pain can be felt as numbness, weakness, tingling, burning in any of these areas, like:
Back pain
Neck pain
Shoulder pain
Arm & elbow pain
Wrist & hand pain
Leg pain
Knee pain
Ankle & foot pain
Reserve a free strategy session for back pain relief near Montpellier
You live near Montpellier and you are ready for a free strategy session to try a radically different and natural approach?
Remember, everything you’ve done so far has not eliminated your pain, than book a free 30 minute strategy session to get more details for your specific case. This 30 minute session is for people who are tired of being ‘horsed around’ from therapist to therapist and really want to get rid of their pain fast. Also sign up if you don’t live near Montpellier, as this program can be done online from anywhere.