Find four free resources for chronic back pain on this page that can help you understand your pain and hence finally start healing.
How to resolve chronic back pain fast? Start here.
If you’ve been suffering for a long time, you’ve probably been told to live with the pain. But there is something you haven’t learned about yet. That it is possible to resolve chronic back pain easy and fast by using new trends in back pain relief. Discover below what impacts chronic pain.

Here are 4 free gifts I put together especially for you to understand factors influencing chronic pain and what you can do about it. Explore and start healing yourself today!
There is a reason why nothing worked. It couldn’t have.
Attention: Not for organic illnesses like cancer, MS etc.
1. Ebook: How Stress Triggers Back Pain
Download this free ebook and discover the 6 surprising factors that impact chronic pain. So that you can learn how stress, tension, life events and emotions play a role in having chronic pain.
Spoiler alert: spinal issues are rarely cause of pain.
The ebook contains some exercises to fill out so that you can start making the connection between your stress and pain and hence heal yourself.
Easy and fast healing from back pain is possible!
2. Free Q & A session
Every Monday 18-18.30 CET, there is a 30 min Q & A on chronic back pain done via Zoom.
Esther and Brajesh are the hosts and both of them having experienced persistent back pain. Next to that, they are experienced Zero Pain Now master coaches and have helped hundreds of people get out of pain. They are offering this free 30 min Q & A sessions to answer any question you might have on your pain, your scans, how we healed, book tips and more.
3. Free webinar 11 Rethinks on chronic pain
What impacts chronic pain?
A recorded version of the webinar will give you in 45 minutes the root cause of chronic pain. Discover 11 factors that show that, in most cases, chronic pain is not a medical issue.
And if you want to fast-forward; the last 15 minutes is about the Zero Pain Now program.
Temporary no live webinars due to change of platform.
4. Three tips to reduce stress & reduce pain
It will take only 6 minutes to watch this video so that you can try out these 3 very simple tips to reduce stress and hence instantly diminish pain.
And this is something really powerful and yet so simple!

Basics of Zero Pain Now program:
✅ without surgery, without medication, without physical therapy
✅ within 4-6 weeks, non-invasive and safe
✅ over 4000 persons pain free
✅ 100% successful pilot in major medical clinic