Every week on Monday from 18-18.30h (CET), there is a free Q & A on chronic back pain via Zoom. Esther and Brajesh are the hosts and they are 2 chronic back pain survivors.
This is what the Q&A will bring you:
The Q&A on chronic back pain is very valuable and can bring you the following:
✅ Get the secrets of chronic back pain in the Q&A
A well-kept secret is that your herniated disc is in most cases rarely the cause of your pain.
Discover the truth about scans and diagnosis.
✅ Get a new view on cause of chronic back pain in the Q&A
You need to know the cause to be able to resolve your chronic back pain. What you’ve been told that is causing back pain, is in most cases not the real cause. You need to validate this view for yourself.
✅ Get tips on how to heal your chronic back pain permanently in the Q&A
Get tips on how to heal yourself after you have validated the new view that is causing your back pain.
How to prepare the Q&A on chronic back pain
Make sure you prepare the Q&A on chronic back pain as it is only 30 minutes. Make a list of the questions you have so that you get the most out of it. Esther and Brajesh cannot guarantee they can answer all your questions, but for most back pain related questions they can provide some new options to resolve your pain.
Gain time and knowledge!
Both Esther and Brajesh have suffered for years with back pain. In their quests to get pain relief, they’ve learned a lot about what causes pain and what factors really impact chronic pain. They share their experience with you on what works and what doesn’t and why it doesn’t work.
Sign up and start healing yourself by asking questions in the Q & A on chronic pain!
Host of Q&A: chronic back pain expert Esther (6yrs pain)

Esther Drost, worked over 20 years as an international IT consultant in the financial services industry, has suffered in total six years of pain in her back, leg, shoulder and under her foot.
She has tried over 35 therapies to get over her pain. Painfree since 2018.
She’s Dutch and lives in the south of France with her 3 teenage sons.
Host of Q&A: chronic back pain expert Brajesh (8yrs pain)
Brajesh K. Singh, MSc, is a communications engineer who healed himself from eight years of his lower back pain using the Zero Pain Now®️ process. He discovered that the communication in the body is analogous to a communications network.
His freshly written book titled The Straw that broke the camel’s back is soon to be published.
These people came to the Q&A on chronic back pain

Come to the Q & A on chronic back pain if you have these questions
You should definitely come to the Q&A on chronic back pain if you have one of the following questions:
✅ Is your diagnosis from your IRM or scan serious or even life-threatening?
✅ You are suffering persistent (back) pain for years and are wondering why
✅ How come everything you try is only giving you temporary relief
👉 Ask questions to the coaches who have helped hundreds of pain sufferers getting better and who have been there themselves.
This is not a sales session: We only give information and ask questions on how we and thousands of others have healed themselves.
The 5 most FAQs form the Q&A about chronic back pain
There are a zillion questions that can be asked about back pain. Here are the most important ones that almost everybody has.
Question 1: What do you really need to know about your chronic back pain?
What you really need to know that in most situations, there’s nothing seriously wrong with your back, despite a diagnoses you got. Many people get loads of scary diagnoses of what is wrong with their spine. It’s in most cases a normal sign of aging. The reason for the scan is to exclude some serious illness, like a tumor. As almost everybody’s scan will reveal some kind of spinal abnormality, it’s like searching for a needle in a haystack.
There is so a lot of research available indicating that anomalies on the spine are more a sign of aging then showing the cause of back pain. Yet many doctors still use the diagnoses of a bulging disc or herniated disc as being the culprit of pain.
Question 2: What does your scan/IRM really indicate about your chronic back pain?
What the scan or IRM really indicates is an ‘inside picture’ of your spine and discs. Just the way it is at that particular moment. As of your twenties, it is already going to get some wear and tear. Normal sign of aging.
A herniated disc is like grey hair on a spine
The reason why you can forget about your scan and diagnosis is because there is so much research out there showing that a bulging disc, degenerated disc cannot be the cause of pain.
In 2015 a study has been published in the American Journal of Radiology where over 3000 MRIs of asymptomatic people (no pain) have been analysed indicating that abnormalities of the spine are already present for people in their twenties and which increases substantially with age.
Here you can find more evidence that scans rarely indicate cause of pain.
If the body is not ‘broken’, no need to work on the spine and discs. If something else is causing the pain, it opens the possibility to banish chronic pain differently. Come to the Q&A and find out what you can do for you situation.
Question 3: How come most therapies you try, only give temporary relief for your chronic back pain?
Loads of people are so frustrated because they ask how come most therapies they try, only give temporary relief? There’s a reason nothing you’ve tried so far has worked. It couldn’t have.
Did it get you permanently out of pain?
No. How frustrating is it that the pain is coming back or is going to another spot in your body.
This means that you have been working on a symptom, but not taken away the cause of your chronic back pain.
You can continue to work on the body, but why would you expect it will be giving different results?
Come to the Q&A and gain time and energy on how to heal.
Question 4: What can you do yourself to relief your chronic back pain?
There’s a lot you can do yourself to relief your pain: learn about what really causes back pain. You can read books about it, watch a documentary, listen to podcasts. Come to the Q&A to get the full tips that are appropriate for your specific situation.
Here is our top 3:
Book and workbook
Audio book

Question 5: Does stress play a role in having chronic back pain?
Stress definitely plays a role in having pain and in the Q&A on chronic back pain this will be explained as well. Stop with methods or therapies that are only giving temporary relief. They’re just treating the symptom and not the cause. Everybody knows that stress increases back pain.
Ask a person who is suffering chronic back pain the question: ‘What started your pain?’
It will often be something like; ‘I made a wrong movement and heard a snap in my back’. Or something about an old injury that hasn’t healed correctly.
It made their back go into a spasm or a freeze. When you then ask that person: ‘What was/is going on in your life?’…..then you get loads of examples where it becomes clear that that person is having a lot of stress in their life. Any of the following stressful life situations apply to you?
- Financial difficulties
- Marital/relationship worries
- Serious health problems of loved ones
- Huge stress at work with your boss
- Issues with your children
- Partner cheating on you
- Abuse / trauma
- Bad relationship with a parent
What if chronic pain is, in most cases, not a medical issue but rather related to stress and tensions?
Stress and tension can also come from the inside and can be related to all the pressures you put on yourself. These pressures are high if you can relate to any of the following character types like perfectionist, control freak, people pleaser, spiritual, dependable.
When are the Q&A’s on chronic back pain?
Brajesh and Esther reserve time every Monday for the Q&A’s to answer your questions on chronic back pain. Get that personal feedback from us on your chronic pain situation, so that you can avoid losing time, money and energy on searching for solutions.
17-17.30h CET – France
4-4.30pm – GMT – London
12-12.30 Eastern time – Miami
9-9.30 AM Pacific – California
10-10.30 New Mexico time
It is still amazing how easy and fast it really can be to get out of chronic back pain.
Brajesh and Esther did it in 5 weeks. Looking forward to connect with you!
Fun from the q&A: truthful expressions on back pain
There are so many common expressions on back pain and if you look closely at it, there is some truth in there.
‘Get off my back‘
The expression ‘Get off my back’ is one is in fact Spot-on! All the stress we sometimes experience is literally giving us back pain. Watch the video below to get some more expressions and how they relate to chronic pain.
Off course there are also expressions that are used, often due to diagnoses, but that are actually not true. Like ‘My back goes out every now and then’. This is anatomically not possible. The pain and the sound you might here are more likely the cause of a severe back spasm.
If you want your questions answered on your chronic back pain, sign up for the Q&A
The best think you can do right now is to come to the Q&A session.
Free up 30mins of your time and warp speed yourself into another view on your chronic back pain and how you can heal yourself. So that you can get back to a pain free life, practice the sport you stopped because of the pain, play with your children, dance, drive.